

A Night with the Stars: Angela Ortíz Goes Big at the NUVOtv Event

In the midst of a LOT of TALENT…
Jon Huertas on left of Se Fija!’s Angela Ortíz, Nicholas Gonzalez,
Carlos Gómez, Douglas Spain and Justina Machado.
Photo: ©2014 Anselmo Sinclair Ortiz

Bottom line: she had a great time, and a series of great talks with some of Latino Hollywood’s brightest lights.

Listen in on her insider report:

“The NUVOtv event was great,” she said. “After I was done with the red carpet. I ran into lots of fun, familiar faces.

Gina Rodriguez introduced the show she’ll be hosting. Nu Point of View: The Emerging Latino Filmmakers (March 19, 8:30P). It’s a quarterly film showcase that gives talented writers, producers and directors to bring their passion projects to the national stage. The segment is three hours.

E.J. Bonilla and Se Fija!’s Angela Ortíz
Photo: ©2014 Anselmo Sinclair Ortiz

Grace Parra in character skit
Courtesy Grace Parra

“I chatted with Jon Huertas about Castle, too. He really enjoys doing the show and is also doing live singing gigs around town with his band. We had a good laugh with Carlos Gómez, who guest stars on an upcoming episode of Castle, about who messed up the most on the shoot. Carlos won after he passed the 11th take.

Had a chance to talk to Nicholas Gonzalez. He will be back on Sleepy Hollow after the mid-season break; he just doesn’t know when yet. And he had some other “inside stories” I can’t begin to talk about.

“I even caught up with Justina Machado and E.J. Bonilla. I’m hoping we’ll be doing video interviews with both of them, and soon!

“Our buddy Grace Parra was wonderful and I did a video with her. She’ll be the traveling correspondent for the show and more. She hopes to be able to work in some of her rapping talent.”

Check out the video below.