

“Big-Ass Spider”

Mike Mendez

Horror movies have been a long-standing gateway into Hollywood for Latinos in front and behind the camera. There are ‘serious’ horror movies like Guillermo del Toro’s marvelous movies, and action-oriented horror-thrillers like some of the stuff from Robert Rodriguez. And then there are just the crazy ones in between, that are as much fun as they are frightening.

L-r: Lombardo Boyar and Greg Grunberg

Big-Ass Spider, from director Mike Mendez (The Gravedancers, The Convent) and screenwriter Greg Gieras (Dark Asylum, Centipede!) this looks like it falls firmly into Category Three, like its brethren Tremors and Eight-Legged Freaks. It’s made a large spider-shaped splash at SXSW this year, and judging by its trailer (and its director’s mock-stern warning), we can see why.

Leaping into a theater near you one day soon? We can only hope! And we’ll let you know…