

CNN Latino Closes Down After Barely a Year of Programming

The 24/7 news channel was heralded as a breakthrough for the U.S. Latino market, but after a year of “not meeting revenue expectations,” CNN has swiftly and abruptly pulled the plug.

CNN Latino began operating from Los Angeles in January 2013. Months later, it expanded coverage to Miami, where it began broadcasting on August 19 including a programming Spanish block made for the US Hispanic market. It could be found on Comcast, AT&T, Atlantic Broadband and elsewhere, including outlets in Los Angeles, New York, Orlando, Tampa, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City–more than a third of all Latino households in the U.S.

“During 2013 we learned a lot and will use that knowledge to continue to innovate and evolve our presence in the Hispanic community in the United States,” a spokesperson said. But the bottom line: “Despite the best efforts of many people, CNN Latino did not meet business expectations and its programming will finish this month.”

CNN in Spanish, the Spanish-language version of CNN, will continue on air.