

Conversations with the Bichir Brothers About “The Bridge”

The BridgeA few weeks back we had the opportunity to visit the set of The Bridge and talked with one of its stars, academy award nominee Demián Bichir and his brother—actor Bruno Bichir who plays a mysterious businessman in the new season—which is halfway through already.

Demián Bichir ©2014 Angela María Ortíz S.

Demián Bichir
©2014 Angela María Ortíz S.

Demián talked about some of his previous roles and that sometimes you mourn some characters after they are done. Then we moved on to the new season of The Bridge and his character of Marco Ruiz. Which he feels is very Shakespearean, like Hamlet and that this season is much darker, more psychological than a regular police procedural show.

About his brother Bruno, he’s worked with him many times—by directing theater shows and acting in them, plus doing many films in Mexico and working abroad. It is the first time they have done television and especially here in the U.S.

Bruno Bichir ©2014 Angela María Ortíz S.

Bruno Bichir
©2014 Angela María Ortíz S.

He said it is such a pleasure to have his brother close by; they can go eat together, have a few Tequilas or just hangout with each other.

After Demián left the room, Bruno came in and greeted everyone with a handshake and a kiss. He had us laughing from the time we started talking, even though he got serious a few times.

Both brothers are very passionate about being involved in making changes where they see injustice. They blame their parents for raising them with so much awareness. And they feel strongly that the U.S. and Mexico are destine to work together…

Now sit back and enjoy the videos below.