

Holá to los Muppets

As we’ve said before, this holiday season hasn’t offered us a whole lot of Latino actors or themes in the theaters…but at least The Muppets are giving us a little to smile at. Among the eight gazillion cameos in their upcoming movie starring Amy Adams and Jason Segel, you’l find a number of familiar Latino faces for at least a few seconds each, including Rico Rodriguez, Selena Gomez, Eddie ‘Piolin’ Sotelo, Eugenio Derbez. A few of them, like Rico and Eugenio, even showed up at the L.A. premiere.

The actual scenes with most of these folks are still hidden from view, but here are a couple of clips, including a glimpse of Miss Piggy’s new dance partner, who looks suspiciously like a Latino cockroach, and a moment where the Muppets’ shocking lack of bilinguality finally comes to light. Enjoy