

In Spite of Everything, We Heart Danny Trejo

Danny Trejo

We love Danny Trejo. How can you not? Not only is he a sweet guy in real life, he almost always plays the kind of in-your-face badass that we all wish we could be now and then. Yes, his roles are often very violent, and sometimes (though not as often as you’d think) stereotypical, but when Danny plays the tough guy there’s something universal about it…and these days he’s just as often the hero as the villain, as in his recent stint on Sons of Anarchy and his sacrificing hero in the low-budget Rise of the Zombies. (We could wish for more roles for him like the gentle next door neighbor he was in Pastor Shepherd a few years ago…but nobody watches when that happens.)

Danny Trejo and Michelle Rodriguez
Machete Kills

Still and all, when you see a picture like this:

…you remember why it is we love Danny Trejo so much…and what a kick in the pants the broad and bloody Machete Kills is going to be when we finally get to see it on October 9.

We heart Danny Trejo. Not to mention Michelle Rodriguez in a push up bra-vest and an eyepatch.

How can you not?