

John Leguizamo just can’t stop working

Some Latino actors are so busy it’s hard to keep track of them, bopping from one medium to another, one project to another, that you’re surprised to see them again.

Such is the fate of actor-comedian John Leguizamo. The big news this week: he’s signed a development deal with ABC to produce and star in a comedy series based on his life in New York. This isn’t his first series work; he did a couple of season on NBC’s ER a while back, as well as the short-lived thriller The Kill Point. He’s also been highly visible in movies this month, with a major part in Katherine Heigl’s One for the Money, which is doing surprisingly respectable business at the moment. As if that isn’t enough, he’s been touring the country with his fifth one-man show, Ghetto Klown, following a successful summer run on Broadway. And he co-wrote and starred in yet another independent feature, an “un-romantic comedy” called Fugly!, directed by Alfredo de Villa. You can check out the news on that one here.

If you’re a Netflix subscriber, you can Instantly View last year’s little-seen supernatural thriller Vanishing on 7th Street, right here.

TV, theatrical, live performance, all within the last few months and extending into the future…man, this guy just has to find something to do.