

Kate del Castillo in the Most Challenging Role of Her Career: “K-11”

The last time we saw Mexican actress Kate del Castillo, she was giving a moving performance as an obsessed investigator on Grimm. Now you can see her in an entirely different–and ground-breaking–role as a violent Latino transsexual trapped behind bars in the disturbing thriller K-11, premiering in theaters and VOD on Friday, March 15.

Jules Stewart, mother of Kristen Stewart, had originally hoped to have her daughter in the film, but that didn’t pan out; instead Castillo joins Goran Visnjic (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) in a bizarre story about a special block in L.A. County jail that’s reserved for criminal transvestites, addicts, and mentally unstable fellow prisoners.

The Hollywood Reporter says K-11 is “like a deranged John Waters remake of The Shawshank Redemption.” Judge for yourself with this definitely for NSFW trailer below:

More information and pictures are available here, at the K-11 web site.