

La Vida Gleeful? Ricky Martin on “Glee”

It’s not The Love Boat, it’s not General Hospital, and Mckinley High is not known for its la vida loca, but TVLline.com is reporting that Ricky Martin will be joining Glee, at least for an arc, early next year as, and we quote “The hottest Spanish Teacher in Ohio.”

Yes, it’s true; Martin was still in Menudo when he did a quick bit for The Love Boat back in 1985, when he was fourteen. And I suppose one could consider a couple of years on General Hospital in the mid-90’s acting…in a way…but this will be his first exposure (so to speak) on network TV–and, of course, this is Glee. Musical interludes are imminent.

Glee has always had a Latino contingent, Lea Michele and notably Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez, whose role has grown from background Cheerio to major role in the three years that the musical-comedy-tragedy-soap has been on FOX. And the show has added a Latino co-producer, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, fresh from Big Love, this year as well. Still: a major leap for a show that’s disavowed stunt-casting this season, and a major opportunity for a talented Latino we haven’t seen a lot of in recent years.

Of course, as TV Line points out, it’s all still “in negotiation” and behind-the-scenes, so it could all fall through tomorrow, but…Ricky Martin on Glee? Seems like a no-brainer.