L-r: Mindy Kaling, Lewis Black, Amy Poehler, Bill Hader and Phyllis Smith
©2015 Angela María Ortíz S.
I loved this movie! It took me back to being an 11-year-old whose life had been turned upside down. And it shows how we deal with emotions like Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival to rave reviews.
It was created and directed by Pete Docter (Monsters Inc., Up—both Oscar winners), who talked to us about how the idea for the film came from watching his 11-year-old daughter. Listen in on Docter and producer Jonas Rivera as they talk about their creative process and working at Pixar. Then listen in on the funniest press conference this year with voice talents that include Mindy Kaling (Disgust), Lewis Black (Anger), Amy Poehler (Joy), Bill Hader (Fear), and Phyllis Smith (Sadness). —A.O.