

Once You Go Norse: Latinos Line Up for “Thor”

Hey, a great movie is a great movie, and Latinos will be first to arrive and last to leave as Thor: The Dark World premieres

It’s one of the “true facts” about Latinos and entertainment that we don’t say out loud often enough: Latinos love the movies. All kinds of movies, whether there are Latinos in the middle of it or not.

Take Thor: The Dark World, opening in thousands of theaters Friday, November 8. There isn’t a Latino to be seen in front of the camera, and a complicated story based in a comic-book version of Scandinavian mythology isn’t exactly a Latino theme, but basically: who cares? It’s great fun, great action, and lovely to look at. What’s not to like

Victoria Alonso

(By the way, it’s worth mentioning that Argentine-born Victoria Alonso is an executive producer on Thor, and on almost all the Marvel movies coming up soon, including Guardians of the Galaxy. She’s pretty fascinating in her own right; click here to view an ABC News piece she did with an equally remarkable veteran of the U.S. Marines.)

Still…would it be so hard to add a couple of Latinos into Asgard? Turns out the home of the Norse Gods isn’t all white and bright. There are Afro-British (Idris Elba is Heimdall), Japanese (Tadanobu Asano is Hogun the Grim), British (Tom Hiddleston is Loki), South African (Alice Krige is Eir), Irish (Ray Stevenson is Volstagg), Welsh (Anthony Hopkins is Odin), and of course Australian (Chris Hemsworth is, of course, Thor himself). What, you couldn’t fit Jessica Alba as Hel, Queen of Neifelheim, Antonio Banderas as Bragi, god of music and poetry, or Michelle Rodriguez as Olfn, Goddess of Forbidden Loves? Que pasa? (Seriously, those are Norse Gods. Look it up.)

Whatever: Asgard is almost painfully internationalist, and the only actual Scandinavian in the movie (Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgaard) is a human scientist in this episode, as he was in all previous Thors. Let it go.  It’s time to just lay back and enjoy…and given the projections it looks like half of America will be doing exactly that this weekend.

For Aaaaasgaaaaard!