

Oscar Isaac Continues to Surprise: Now He’s the Sexiest Part of “In Secret”

Oscar Isaac and Elizabeth Olsen

A big-budget film based on Emile Zola’s 19th century novel, Therese Raquin? Maybe it’s an attempt to recapture the magic of Les Miz without the music…and Latino Oscar Isaac’s in the middle of it all

Oscar Isaac made a huge impression on critics and consumers alike as the kind of douche-y folk singer in this year’s Oscar contender, Inside Llewyn Davis. And we may be seeing more of the same action from his work on In Secret, the super-sensual adaptation of Therese Raquin premiering Friday, February 21.

Elizabeth Olsen, Jessica Lange, and Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter films) round out the cast of this “tale of obsessive love, adultery and revenge set in the lower depths of 1860s Paris.” Check out this steamy old-style summary:

“Therese (Elizabeth Olsen), a sexually repressed beautiful young woman, is trapped into a loveless marriage to her sickly cousin, Camille (Tom Felton by her domineering aunt, Madame Raquin (Jessica Lange). Therese spends her days confined behind the counter of a small shop and her evenings watching Madame play dominos with an eclectic group. After she meets her husband’s alluring childhood friend, Laurent (Oscar Isaac), she embarks on an illicit affair that leads to tragic consequences.

And he plays the role beautifully, it seems. Certainly he’s all over this trailer as the sexiest man of the 1860’s. About as far away from a modern-day Latino role as you can get…but really, isn’t that what being Latino in Hollywood means these days? Being able to play any role you can get…even an “alluring childhood friend” from a French novel? Check it out, and enjoy the movie, available on screens nationwide.