

Post-Turkey Day–What to Watch?

Okay, the meal is over, the leftovers are all put away (or near at hand). Now there’s time to sit back and catch up on what your favorite Latino actors and actresses have been up to. And since you’ve already overspent on food and Black Friday shopping, here are some ideas that are free or under five bucks.

See what appeals…and Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Modern Family’s Thanksgiving Show—It’s sweet and funny–as it almost always is–and ABC made a point of making it available online through abc.go.com and hulu right away. Enjoy it here.  And there are nine other episodes online at hulu as well. That’s six full hours of Rico and Sofia!

Monica Raymund on The Good Wife—Raymund made a great impression for a couple of years on Lie to Me; then she did a quick turn as a cop in Blue Blood, and now she’s at her sweet and sexy best (who knew?) in a continuing arc on CBS’ The Good Wife. All four (so far) episodes are on CBS.com–right here, with more to come!  Start with the episode called “Affairs of State,” that introduces her character, and work your way forward. Four hours of enjoyment!

Desperate Housewives: Forever Eva—Yes, it’s the last season of DH, but let’s not think about that. Let’s just enjoy Eva Longoria, Ricardo Chavira and Madison De La Garza, and the rest of ’em for a few more episodes…and meanwhile, catch up on the intrigues of Wisteria Lane. Go here for five episodes, including the October episode, “School of Hard Knocks,” featuring Bree and her daughter, the young and under appreciated actress Joy Lauren. And mark your calendar for the next new episode, Sunday 12/4.

Señorita Justice: Sometimes Really Bad Can Be Such Fun—Yes, this isn’t one you’ll find at the top of Eva Longoria’s resume, but still…how can you resist Señorita Justice? Yancy Mendia stars as Ana Rios, a young woman hell-bent on seeking revenge after tragedy shakes her stable existence. Her plan? To join the Miami Police Department and put her gun and badge to good use fighting crime…and hunting down and destroying her enemies. Along the way, she also finds time for love. But does her life have room for something beautiful when it’s fraught with danger? Co-stars Edith Gonzalez and Mirtha Michelle.” Netflix Instant Viewing! Click here and enjoy if you’re a Netflix subscriber.

Luis Guzmán on Community—They’ve been taking advantage of Luis’ good name on Community for a couple of season now. It’s about time he actually appeared on the show! Catch this classic (and classically weird) episode on NBC or on hulu, right here.

A Better Life on Amazon instant video—There’s more and more Oscar buzz about Demián Bichir in Chris Weitz’ deeply affecting independent film A Better Life. And since it came out earlier this year (to very limited theatrical release), you can already catch it on Amazon Instant Video right here.

Geoffrey Rivas on CSI…one more time—Geoffrey Rivas has portrayed Detective Sam Vega on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation twenty times…and apparently twenty is enough. In his most recent (and last) episode, “Crime after Crime,” we discover something very bad about Det. Vegas and something very bad happens to him because of it–not necessarily in that order. You can see if for free right here.

Guzmán (and more) in The Caller—If your post-turkey tastes run a little more to the macabre, you can catch Instantly Watch The Caller, a little-seen but very creepy time-paradox tale (sort of like Frequency or The Letter, but weeeeeird), starring–among many others–the redoubtable Luis Guzmán. Cheap eerie fun right here.

Extreme Marathon: Ugly Betty—Yes, it’s been off the air for a couple of years…but what does that matter? You can built your own marathon for a mere $1.99 an episode on Amazon Watch Instantly and enjoy hours and hours of America Ferrera, Tony Plana, and the rest. Start your adventure in excess right here.

Jon Huertas on new CastleJH has been doing stand-up work on ABC’s light mystery series Castle since the very beginning, but the most recent episode gave him a chance to dig a bit deeper into his character. Enjoy the current episode here, and if you like what you see there are another five episodes on line as well.

Kirk Acevedo, Elizabeth Rodriguez, and Prime Suspect—This grim and gritty police procedural got off to a slow start and skidded downhill thereafter–at least as far as the ratings are concerned. But it’s a thoughtful, serious, and often affecting show, led by Maria Bello and featuring some strong work by Acevedo and Rodriguez. You can see the most recent five episodes for free right here, buried on the NBC.com site. …and where’s that great three-episode arc of Harry’s Law with Alfred Molina (or any episodes featuring new cast member Karen Olivo). Or any of the new episodes of Chuck featuring Gomez as the new Mater of the Intersect? Or the current season’s episodes of Dexter? We tried–really we did–but for some reason none of the above are legally available on the intertubes, for free or for money. Go figure!