

Ratings Highs (for Sofia) and Lows (for Karen)

Modern Family, complete with Sofia Vergara and Rico Rodriguez on ABC, continues to roar, ratings-wise, as the most-watched show of Wednesday night and one of the highest-rated programs on the air…while Karen Olivo, over NBC, is probably circulating her Hollywood resume, as Harry’s Law generates its worst ratings ever in the 9P slot. Not that the show is bad—in fact, it’s better than ever—but its moments appears to have passed already despite ‘stunt casting’ of high-powered stars like Jean Smart, Alfred Molina, and Jason Alexander in recent arcs and episodes.

You can catch a nice little interview with Karen here  on NBC.com , talking about a recent episode with Jason Alexander (Do we detect a little homesickness for Broadway here?), and see recent episodes as well. (The most recent Wednesday episode is also rebroadcast on the following Saturday at 9P on NBC.)

Hulu is the home of recent Modern Family episodes, available here.