

Special Bulletin: Michelle Rodriguez No Longer Dead! (in “Fast & Furious 6”)

Michelle Rodriguez

It’s been a running joke–and Michelle Rodriguez is the first to tell it–that Michelle seems to die in just about every movie she makes. It’s almost a tradition. That’s why it’s especially delicious that her “return from the dead” in the Fast & Furious franchise is the centerpiece of the newest episode, Fast & Furious 6, opening on Memorial Day.

Jordana Brewster

And she’s not alone. Michelle is joined, once again, by another action-hero Latina Jordana Brewster, looking entirely different than her character on TNT’s Dallas, and this new F&F looks a lot more dangerous. In fact–as the trailer below shows–the hand-to-hand between Rodriguez and Gina Carano may be worth the price of admission all by itself. That and—as Ludacris puts it: “Man, they got a tank.

It’s “vehicular warfare” at its finest. Even the trailer’s exciting, and Michelle–alive and well!–is all over it. Check it out: