

Two Very Different Movies Premiering Friday Show the Range of Motion in Latino Hollywood

Romantic comedy? Check. Deep drama? Done. Action blockbusters. Not a problem. Latinos are able to just about anything these days, and this Friday releases back that up.

Ray Santiago has done some interesting stuff over the last few years, whether it’s Girl Fight or Meet the Fokkers, or TV work like Touch or Raising Hope. Now he’s in a new romantic comedy/teen sex comedy with a twist, with the future star of Fifty Shades of Grey Dakota Johnson, in Date and Switch. Dustin Ybarra (Californication, 21 & Over, Hop) is also in the film.

and on the other end of the spectrum, Benicio del Toro continues to push the envelopes in Jimmy P, where he appears as a Native American veteran suffering from a series of psychological issues. A Martinez joins him in a limited release.

Add this to the much-ballyhoo’d reboot of RoboCop, featuring Aimee Garcia, and you can see the range and depth of roles available to Latinos these days…and enjoy their work in all its diversity.